lightdash download

From the Lightdash CLI, you can use the command lightdash download to download all of the charts and dashboards from your Lightdash project as code. All of the charts and dashboards will be written as .yml files to a lightdash directory wherever you’re running the command.

E.g. if you’re running this command inside your dbt directory (eg: /home/javi/dbt) then it will create a folder (/home/javi/dbt/lightdash). If you’re running this command in /home/javi/documents it will create the folder in /home/javi/documents/lightdash.

Running lightdash download will overwrite any changes you have locally

For example:

  • I run lightdash download and one of the charts that is downloaded is emea-revenue-per-month.yml
  • I make some changes to the emea-revenue-per-month.yml file and save them
  • I do not upload my changes, they are just saved locally
  • I run lightdash download again
  • The changes I made to emea-revenue-per-month.yml will be overwritten by the latest chart version downloaded from the Lightdash application

Select specific items to download

Use lightdash download -c or lightdash download --charts to select specific charts

If you only want to download specific charts to manage as code, you can use the chart selector in the download command.

For example, if I only wanted to download a specific saved chart as code, I would run the command:

lightdash download -c

You can use the chart’s SLUG, UUID, or the URL to the saved chart to select the chart.

Use lightdash download -d or lightdash download --dashboards to select specific dashboards

This will download the dashboard and all of the charts in the dashboard as code. For example, if I only wanted to download a specific dashboard as code, I would run the command:

lightdash download -d

You can use the dashboard’s SLUG, UUID, or the URL to the dashboard to select the dashboard.

To select multiple charts or dashboards, add a space between the items.

For example, this command would select two charts to download:

lightdash download -c

You can combine charts and dashboards selection in a single command. For example, this command would download a chart and a dashboard:

lightdash download -c -d

Specify a download path

Use lightdash download -p or lightdash download --path to specify a directory to download to

By default, lightdash download will create a new lightdash directory in your current working directory and write the content there. You can customize the directory that you write to using lightdash download -p. For example:

lightdash download -p /Users/katiehindson/lightdash/lightdash-analytics/

This will create: /Users/katiehindson/lightdash/lightdash-analytics/charts/ and /Users/katiehindson/lightdash/lightdash-analytics/dashboards and save the content to these new folders.

You can also use relative paths like:

lightdash download -p ../

Download an entire project

Use lightdash download --project <project UUID> to download all content from a specific project

Running lightdash download will download all content from your current set project (set using lightdash config set-project). But, you can download content from another project using lightdash download --project my-project-uuid. For example:

lightdash download --project 21eef0b9-5bae-40f3-851e-9554588e71a6

You can find a project’s UUID from your Lightdash URL. For example, Here, the project UUID here is 123-project-uuid .

lightdash upload

lightdash upload updates any content as code to your project.

From the Lightdash CLI, you can use the command lightdash upload to upload any changes you’ve made to your charts or dashboards as code. To upload new charts that you’ve created as code to your Lightdash project, you need to run lightdash upload --force

Select specific items to upload

Use lightdash upload -c or lightdash upload --charts to select specific charts

For example, if I only wanted to upload a specific saved chart as code, I would run the command:

lightdash upload -c my-saved-chart-slug

You must specify the chart using the chart’s SLUG.

Use lightdash upload -d or lightdash upload --dashboards to select specific dashboards

For example, if I only wanted to upload a specific dashboard as code, I would run the command:

lightdash upload -d my-dashboard-slug

You must specify the dashboard using the dashboard’s SLUG.

To select multiple charts or dashboards, add a space between the items

For example, this command would select two charts to upload:

lightdash upload -c my-saved-chart-1-slug my-saved-chart-2-slug

Specify a path to upload from.

Use lightdash upload -p or lightdash upload --path to specify a directory to upload from.

By default, lightdash upload will upload all items you have saved in the lightdash directory in your current working directory. You can customize the directory that you upload from using lightdash upload -p. For example:

lightdash upload -p /Users/katiehindson/lightdash/lightdash-analytics/

This will upload all content from: /Users/katiehindson/lightdash/lightdash-analytics/charts/ and /Users/katiehindson/lightdash/lightdash-analytics/dashboards.

You can also use relative paths like:

lightdash download -p ../

Specify a project to upload to

Use lightdash upload --project <project UUID> to upload your content to a specific project.

Running lightdash upload will upload all content to your current set project (set using lightdash config set-project). But, you can upload content to another project using lightdash upload --project my-project-uuid. For example:

lightdash upload --project 21eef0b9-5bae-40f3-851e-9554588e71a6

You can find a project’s UUID from your Lightdash URL. For example, Here, the project UUID here is 123-project-uuid .

Only content as code that you’ve made changes to will be uploaded

For example:

  • I have a chart that I’ve downloaded as code called total-sales-worldwide.yml in my lightdash/ directory
  • I only make changes to that chart’s .yml
  • I run lightdash upload
  • total-sales-worldwide.yml is the only file that gets uploaded because it’s the only file that I made changes to

For example:

  • Katie has a chart that she’s downloaded as code called total-sales-worldwide.yml in her lightdash/ directory
  • She doesn’t make any changes to the chart as code
  • Javi opens the same chart, Total sales worldwide, in the Lightdash application, makes some changes, and saves them
  • Now, Katie’s total-sales-worldwide.yml and the Total sales worldwide chart in the application are different.
  • Katie runs lightdash upload
  • Katie’s total-sales-worldwide.yml does not get uploaded because she made no changes to the chart as code
  • Javi’s changes to the Total sales worldwide chart that he made in the Lightdash application are not overwritten (the version he created is what we see in the Lightdash application)
Content that’s been downloaded as code can still be updated in the Lightdash application

For example:

  • There is a Lightdash project called Stellar Marketing
  • Priyanka runs lightdash download and downloads all of the project’s content as code, including a chart called Total new clients
  • Jake opens the Total new clients chart in the Lightdash application and makes some changes
  • Priyanka doesn’t run lightdash download, so the total-new-clients.yml chart that Priyanka has as code is the old version of the chart, before Jake updated it.
  • Priyanka makes changes to total-new-clients.yml then runs lightdash upload and uploads her changes and overwrites the changes that Jake made in the Lightdash application.
  • Both Jake and Priyanka can update the same chart as code, or in the Lightdash application.

Lightdash content templates

You can use the lightdash download and lightdash upload commands to easily build templates for Lightdash content and reuse these templates to build new or update existing projects.

Creating a new Lightdash project from a Lightdash template

If you’re creating many dbt projects with similar models and want to easily spin up new versions of these projects, but with different table, field, or chart names, then you can use content as code to create a Lightdash template of your project to reuse.

To do this, you’ll need to:

  • Take your existing Lightdash project with all of the content that you want to copy.
  • In the CLI, run lightdash download to download all of the content as code from the project
  • Navigate to your new dbt project that you want to connect to Lightdash.
  • Copy-paste over the lightdash/ directory inside your new dbt project with all of the content as code from your template project (or, only copy over the content that you want to use in your new project)
  • Once you’re happy with your content, you’re going to run lightdash config set-project and select your new Lightdash project from the list of projects
  • Then, you’ll run lightdash upload --force to upload all of the content as code you’ve added in your lightdash/ directory to your new Lightdash project

Adding content to an existing project from a Lightdash template

Sometimes, if you’re managing multiple dbt projects with similar models, you want to be able to easily create and manage the same charts and dashboards across all of the projects at the same time. You can do this with content as code to create a Lightdash template project.

  • You want to create a Lightdash project that only contains all of the content that you want to share across your projects
  • From your CLI, you can run lightdash download to download all of this content as code
  • You can then copy-paste the .yml files that get written across to any of the other dbt projects you have where you want to reuse the same charts and dashboards.
  • Once you’ve copied over any content that you wanted to manage across projects, from the CLI, you should run lightdash config set-project and select the project where you’ve added these new charts/dashboards as code to.
  • Then, you should run lightdash upload to upload all of the new content as code.

Using community templates

Alongside making templates from your own project, you can also use templates from the lightdash-templates repo to quickly build dashboards on top of common datasets.

For example, if you are using BigQuery as your data warehouse, you can use the community templates to build a usage tracking dashboard in a matter of minutes.

There are detailed instructions within the repo, but the general steps are as follows:

  • Identify the content you wish to implement, and navigate to the relevant folder.
  • Copy the content from the Lightdash folder into your dbt project.
  • Run lightdash upload --force to push your new content to Lightdash.

Note that these templates still rely on access to an underlying dbt model containing the relevant data, you might need to create or adjust this following the instructions in the lightdash-templates repo.