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dbt Projects

You can easily make changes in dbt and see them updated in your Lightdash project.


Lightdash supports dbt v1.4.0 and above. If you are using an older version of dbt, you will need to upgrade to sync your project to Lightdash

1. Automatically: deploy your changes to Lightdash using a GitHub action

If you've connected Lightdash to GitHub, you can setup a github action and get Lightdash to deploy your project automatically. This is the easiest way to keep Lightdash in sync with your changes in dbt.

Step 1: add the credentials to Github secrets

We are going to add some secrets and config to GitHub actions, but you don't want those to be public, so the best way to do this is to add them as secrets on Github.


If you already have a GitHub action for Lightdash, then you can use the same Lightdash secrets you created for your other action.

Go to your repo, click on Settings , on the left sidebar, click on Secrets under Security. Now click on the New repository secret

We need to add the following secrets:


Create a new personal access token, by going to Settings > Personal Access Tokens. This is the token you'll put in for LIGHTDASH_API_KEY.


The UUID for your project. For example, if your URL looks like, then 3538ab33-dc90-45f0-aabb-e50bba3a5f69 is your LIGHTDASH_PROJECT


This is either or for Lightdash Cloud users (check the URL to your Lightdash project). If you self-host, this should be your own custom domain.


Some tips for this bit:

  • You might be able to copy a bunch of the information from your local profiles.yml file. You can see what's in there by typing cat ~/.dbt/profiles.yml in your terminal.
  • If you have a separate prod and dev profile, you probably want to use the information from your prod profile for your GitHub action.

Find your data warehouse from the list below to get a profiles.yml file template. Fill out this template, and this is your DBT_PROFILES secret.

BigQuery OAuth:

Step 1: create a secret called GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS

Add the service account credentials (the JSON file) that you want to use for your GitHub action. It should look something like this:

"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "jaffle_shop",
"private_key_id": "12345",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "",
"client_id": "12345",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": ""

Step 2: create another secret called DBT_PROFILES

Copy-paste this template into the secret and fill out the details

[my-bigquery-db]: # this is the name of your project
target: dev
type: bigquery
method: oauth
keyfile: keyfile.json # no need to change this! We'll automatically use the keyfile you created in the last step.
project: [GCP project id]
dataset: [the name of your dbt dataset]

More info in dbt's profiles docs:

Postgres profile configuration:
target: dev
type: postgres
host: [hostname]
user: [username]
password: [password]
port: [port]
dbname: [database name]
schema: [dbt schema]
threads: [1 or more]
keepalives_idle: 0
connect_timeout: 10
retries: 1

More info in dbt's profiles docs:

Redshift password-based authentication:
target: dev
type: redshift
host: []
user: [username]
password: [password]
port: 5439
dbname: analytics
schema: analytics
threads: 4
keepalives_idle: 240
connect_timeout: 10
ra3_node: true # enables cross-database sources

More info in dbt's profiles docs:

User / Password authentication:
target: dev
type: snowflake
account: [account id]

# User/password auth
user: [username]
password: [password]

role: [user role]
database: [database name]
warehouse: [warehouse name]
schema: [dbt schema]
threads: [1 or more]
client_session_keep_alive: False
query_tag: [anything]

More info in dbt's profiles docs:

Set up a DataBricks target:
target: dev
type: databricks
optional catalog name,
if you are using Unity Catalog,
only available in dbt-databricks>=1.1.1,
schema: [schema name]
host: []
http_path: [/sql/your/http/path]
token: [dapiXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] # Personal Access Token (PAT)
threads: [1 or more]

More info in dbt's profiles docs:

Step 2: Create deploy.yml workflow in Github

Go to your repo, click on Actions menu.

If you don't have any GitHub actions, you'll just need to click on Configure

Github actions page

If you have some GitHub actions in your repo already, click on New workflow, then select setup a workflow yourself.

Now copy this file from our cli-actions repo.

Give it a nice name like deploy-lightdash.yml

And commit this to your repo by clicking on Start commit.

You're done!

Everytime you make a change to your repo, on the main branch, it will automatically deploy your new config into your Lightdash projects

You can see the log on the Github actions page

2. In the UI: Syncing your dbt changes using refresh dbt

Whenever you make changes to your YAML files, you can sync Lightdash and see these changes by clicking the refresh dbt button in the Explore view of the app.


If you're using a git connection (like GitHub, Gitlab or Bitbucket), you'll need to push + merge your changes to the branch that your Lightdash project is connected to before you run refresh dbt.

3. From the command line: Syncing your dbt changes using lightdash deploy

If you're using the Lightdash CLI, you can use the lightdash deploy command to deploy your changes to your Lightdash project.

To read more about how to use lightdash deploy, check out our docs.

Note: If you've made any changes to the underlying data, you need to run dbt first

If you've made any changes to the underlying data (for example, adding a new column in your model.sql file or changing the SQL logic of an existing dimension), then you need to run: dbt run -m yourmodel before you click refresh dbt in Lightdash.