Lightdash is MIT licensed and open source. You can self-host Lightdash on your own infrastructure.

This guide is designed for DevOps Engineers that are familiar with Docker, Kubernetes, and are comfortable configuring environment variables, SMTP credentials, and database connections. If you’re unsure whether to self-host please read our guide on Lightdash Cloud vs. Self-Hosted.

Prerequisites for self-hosting

  • Access to a kubernetes cluster and kubectl installed
  • Helm
  • Docker

Self-host Lightdash on Kubernetes

The following steps will create a Lightdash instance and a postgres database to store your metadata (note: this is separate to your data warehouse with your analytics data).

We recommend using kubernetes + helm but you can alternatively follow these guides for a minimum deployment without kubernetes:

To deploy Lightdash on your Kubernetes cluster you can use our community maintained Helm chart: This will get you started with the simplest configuration possible. At the end of this guide you can find a list of configuration options to customise your Lightdash instance and make it production ready.

1. Add the Lightdash Helm repository

helm repo add lightdash

2. Create a namespace for Lightdash

kubectl create namespace lightdash

3. Create a minimum configuration for Lightdash

At minimum you should configure:

  • secrets.LIGHTDASH_SECRET - this variable is used by Lightdash to encrypt data at rest in the database. You must keep this secret. If this is lost, you will not be able to access your data in Lightdash.
  • service.type - by default the Lightdash UI and API is exposed on a ClusterIP service. This means that it is only accessible from within the Kubernetes cluster. If you want to access Lightdash from outside the cluster, you can change this to LoadBalancer or NodePort. See the Kubernetes documentation for more information.
  • SITE_URL - if you know the URL that Lightdash will be accessible at, you can set this variable. This will ensure that all links in Lightdash are correct. If you don’t know the URL yet, you can leave this blank and update it later.

Example values.yaml file containing our configuration:

# values.yaml
  LIGHTDASH_SECRET: notverysecret


  type: NodePort

4. Install Lightdash with helm

Create a new helm release called lightdash using the lightdash/lightdash helm chart. In this example we’re also using the namespace -n lightdash. Finally we apply our minimum configuration from above using -f values.yaml.

helm install lightdash lightdash/lightdash -n lightdash -f values.yaml

4 (alternative). Install Lightdash with kubectl

If you prefer not to manage your deployment with helm, you can generate the kubernetes manifests and apply them using kubectl.

helm template lightdash lightdash/lightdash -n lightdash -f values.yaml > lightdash.yaml
kubectl apply -f lightdash.yaml

Visit your SITE_URL to access Lightdash!

Configure Lightdash for production

Now you have a working Lightdash instance, you can customise it to your needs. The following docs cover the most common configuration options, including those we recommend before going to production:

Recommended for production usage

Optional configuration