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Configure Lightdash to use external storage

On Lightdash, we generate some files like:

  • Images for Slack unfurl
  • Images on scheduled deliveries
  • Results on CSV format.

These files can be stored locally and can be served through Lightdash, however, if you run Lightdash on multiple containers, these files might not be available when you requested, because the file might be generated in another container, as these files are not shared across containers. Also these files might not persist across different deployments.

To solve this, we suggest you enable Cloud storage, so Lightdash can store the files in a cloud (GCP buckets, S3 storage...)

For this, all you need is to configure the cloud storage and export S3 credentials (most cloud storages are compatible with S3 library)

Configure cloud storage on Google Cloud Platform

Go into GCP: Cloud storage

Create a new bucket with the following details:

  • give it an unique Bucket name like - lightdash-cloud-file-storage-eu
  • Select region (like multi US or multi EU or single region EU-west-1)
  • select storage class: default standard
  • disable enforce public access and select fine-grained
  • Protection: none

Go to settings > Interoperability and create a Access key for service account

  • Copy the access key and secret

S3_ENDPOINT for google is S3_REGION for google is auto

Configure cloud storage on AWS

  • Navigate to the S3 section of the AWS Management Console and click on the Create Bucket button.
  • Give your bucket a name and select the region where you want to store your data.
  • Next, you need to set the permissions for your bucket. Make it private.

To export your S3 credentials, you need to follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the IAM section and click on the Users tab.
  • Click on the user whose credentials you want to export.
  • Click on the Security Credentials tab and locate the Access Keys section.
  • Click on the Create Access Key button.
  • Download the CSV file that contains your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Check this guide to see what's the right S3_ENDPOINT for your bucket

Configure Lightdash to use S3 credentials

Now you have the bucket and the S3 credentials for your cloud storage, you can provide the following ENV variables to Lightdash so it can use the cloud storage using S3 library


We also support IAM roles. If you don't provide S3_ACCESS_KEY and S3_SECRET_KEY the S3 library will try to use IAM roles, see this AWS documentation for more details.

The expiration time is optional and defaults to 259200 (seconds).

If you try to customize this expiration time, you should keep in mind that link to your object url will be available for the maximum of 7 days due to signed url limitations if you use IAM role to generate it.