Embedding is available to all Lightdash Cloud users, get in touch to have this feature enabled in your account.

Quick start to embed dashboards

Create an embed secret

First, you need to generate a secret per project. This secret is like a password that will help you encrypt the URLs so we know the access is valid.

You can regenerate the secret by clicking on the Generate new secret button. If you do this, people with an old URL will automatically lose access to any previously shared embed URL.

Allowed dashboards

Only selected dashboards can be accessed via embed URLs


Under preview you can generate a one-off shareable embed URL for a single dashboard.

Click on preview to see the embed content and click on Generate & copy URL to generate an embed URL for this dashboard

Developer flow and code snippet

Although you can generate URLs directly from Lightdash with a long expiration it is recommended to generate your own JWT tokens in your backend with a short expiration using your secretto make sure people can’t be using embed URLs outside your app.

To make this easier to integrate, we included some code snippets you can copy and use in your app to generate a valid embed URL

For more information on embed settings, see the embedding reference doc

Do I need a Lightdash account to be able to view embedded content?

No, embedded Lightdash content is available to view by anyone (not just folks with a Lightdash login).

So, for example, you could embed a dashboard in your product, and anyone who has access to your product would have access to that dashboard. No need to login to Lightdash.

We make sure that the links are secure and have a set expiry time that you pick.

I want to have my embedded dashboard show different values for different users in my app.

Imagine a scenario where I have a dashboard embedded in my application showing an overview of orders. Ideally, when a user looks at this dashboard, they should only see the orders for their shop (not all of the other shops using my application). You can do this with embedded dashboards using user attributes. Here’s how to do it:

Create a user attribute in Lightdash

First, we need to create a user attribute in Lightdash that we can use to assign our users to a specific shop. I create an attribute called shop_id and I set the default value to all.

Filter the tables used in your dashboard with sql_filter

We need to filter the access to all of the tables we use in our dashboard using this attribute. For example, in my Order Summary dashboard, I use the orders and the shops tables to build all of the charts. So, in these two tables, I’m going to add a row-level filter using my shop_id attribute, like:

version: 2
  - name: orders
      sql_filter: ${lightdash.attributes.shop_id} = 'all' OR ${TABLE}.shop_id = ${lightdash.attributes.shop_id}

Add the user attribute to your dashboard embed

Now that we have our user attribute set up and filtering our data properly, we want to head back to our dashboard emedding configuration.

There are two ways to use user attributes in your embedded dashboard:

Option 1: assign a constant value for your attribute

You can assign your dashboard a single, constant value for your attribute by adding it in the user attributes section of your embedded dashboard setup.

For example, if I wanted the embed link to only show data for shop_id = Thyme to Shine, then I would add a user attribute shop_id with the value Thyme to Shine.

Option 2: assign a variable value for your attribute

You can adjust the value of the user attribute based on a variable coming from your app so, for example, the user attribute for shop_id in the Lightdash embedded dashboard would change depending on which shop_id the user belonged to in my app.

To do this, I would pass Lightdash an external value for shop_id in the embed code snippet. This could look something like:

import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
const LIGHTDASH_EMBED_SECRET = 'secret'; // replace with your secret
const projectUuid = '21eef0b9-5bae-40f3-851e-9554588e71a6';
const userShopId = await getUserShopIdFromDatabase();
const data = {
  content: {
    type: 'dashboard',
    dashboardUuid: 'a392ed6d-4c53-4102-89b7-1c57a87df391',
  userAttributes: { shop_id: userShopId },
const token = jwt.sign(data, LIGHTDASH_EMBED_SECRET, { expiresIn: '1 hour' });
const url = `https://analytics.lightdash.cloud/embed/${projectUuid}/#${token}`;

And voila! you now have an embedded dashboard that shows different values for different users in your app.