Slack integration reference
Below is everything you need to know about the Lightdash Slack integration.
For walk through videos, check out our guides on adding the Slack integration and using the Slack integration.
Required permissions
The Lightdash Slack app will request permission for these scopes:
for : Links to will be sent to our App so we can make an internal request and fetch information from charts and dashboards so we can later share it in slack.[links:write]
: This allows us to unfurl the URL previously mentioned.
No other content will be shared from your workspace.
After installing the app you’ll see these settings:
Select a notification channel
Here you may choose a Slack channel where Lightdash will send alerts when any scheduled deliviries fail in your organization.
You must add the Lightdash app into that organization for notifications to work properly.
Slack bot avatar
You can customize the avatar for your Lightdash slack app by adding an image URL in the Profile photo URL field. Slack recommends these images be square with a minimum of 512x512 pixels, but no larger than 1024x1024 pixels.
AI Bot channel mappings
Here you can choose which project is used by the Lightdash AI analyst co-pilot for each of your Slack channels. Only one project can be used for each channel.
Unfurl Lightdash links
After installing the Slack app it will automatically unfurl links you share in Slack from your Lightdash project. The Lightdash app must be invited to a channel before it will unfurl links in that channel.
Chart and dashbaord links unfurl for links copied from the URL field and also “share” links copied by clicking the link icon.
Here’s what an individual chart looks like unfurled:
And an unfurled dashboard:
Scheduled deliveries
Once Slack is added to your Lightdash organization you can use it as a destination for scheduled deliveries. You can schedule refreshes for either Charts or Dashboards and push the results into a Slack channel or DM.
The result will look like this for charts if you choose to attach an image of the chart:
And like this for dashbaords if you chose not to include an image:
Saved Chart Alerts in Slack
In addition to scheduled deliveries, you can also set up alerts on saved charts that only send to slack if certain criteria are met.
AI analyst co-pilot
The Slack integration is also used by the AI analyst co-pilot. Once you have access to the AI analyst you’ll chat with it by mentioning the Lightdash Slack app.