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Filters reference doc

Filters appear at the top of the Explore view and allow users to change the data being pulled in.

Using filters

To learn more about using filters, check out our docs on limiting data using filters.

Filter types

Numeric filters

is nullOnly pulls in rows where the values are null for the field selected.
is not nullOnly pulls in rows where the values are not null for the field selected.
isOnly pulls in rows where the values are equal to the values listed.
is notOnly pulls in rows where the values are not equal to the values listed.
is less thanOnly pulls in rows where the values for the field selected are strictly less than the value listed.
is greater thanOnly pulls in rows where the values for the field selectedare strictly greater than the value listed.

String filters

is nullOnly pulls in rows where the values are null for the field selected.
is not nullOnly pulls in rows where the values are not null for the field selected.
isOnly pulls in rows where the values are equal to the values listed.
is notOnly pulls in rows where the values are not equal to the values listed.
starts withOnly pulls in rows where the values for the field selected start with characters you've entered.
includesOnly pulls in rows where the values for the field selected includes the characters you've entered.
ends withOnly pulls in rows where the values for the field selected end with the characters you've entered.

Boolean filters

is nullOnly pulls in rows where the values are null for the field selected.
is not nullOnly pulls in rows where the values are not null for the field selected.
isOnly pulls in rows where the values are equal to the values listed.

Date filters

is nullOnly pulls in rows where the values are null for the field selected.
is not nullOnly pulls in rows where the values are not null for the field selected.
isOnly pulls in rows where the values are equal to the values listed.
is notOnly pulls in rows where the values are not equal to the values listed.
in the lastOnly pulls in rows where the dates for the field selected are within the dynamic date range you selected.
not in the lastOnly pulls in rows where the dates for the field selected are not within the dynamic date range you selected.
is beforeOnly pulls in rows where the dates for the field selected are strictly before the date you entered.
is on or beforeOnly pulls in rows where the dates for the field selected are on or before the date you entered.
is afterOnly pulls in rows where the dates for the field selected are strictly after the date you entered.
is on or afterOnly pulls in rows where the dates for the field selected are on or after the date you entered.
custom rangeOnly pulls in rows where the dates for the field selected are on or between the dates you entered. Some ranges are already provided: "Past 3 months", "Past 6 months", "Past 2 years" etc.